Saturday, November 5, 2016
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DOWNLOAD : 2016/2017 FUOTUOKE 1st Admission List

The Federal University Otuoke has released its 1st admission list for the 2016/2017 academic session. The Institution has made available the admission list to the general public and most importantly to the candidates that applied and took part in the screening exercise.

The FUOTUOKE admission list contains the names of candidates and the department offered provisional admission for the new academic session. Candidates are advised to check and confirm their names on the admission list for the new academic session.


DOWNLOAD : 2016/2017 FUOTUOKE 1st Admission List


FUTUOKE Admission List 2016/2017

Successful candidates are to begin preparation for the new session, as registration commences on  Tuesday, 15th November 2016.

FUOTUOKE 1st Admission Lists 2016/2017


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